#pt freeport

Collection of pt freeport news, found 430 news.

ICW finds more freeport money transfers to police

The Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW) has discovered transfers of US$79.1 million from PT Freeport Indonesia to the ...

Govt hopes mining companies willing to renegotiate contracts

The government hopes mining companies that have made a lot of profits in Indonesia will be willing to re-negotiate ...

Freeport ready to settle its labor dispute in court

PT Freeport Indonesia said it was ready to refer its dispute with workers affiliated to the All-Indonesian Workers ...

Govt urged to audit Freeport Indonesia

A non-governmental organization (NGO) here has urged the government to conduct an audit on PT Freeport Indonesia`s ...

news focus: police deploy more personnel to defuse tensions in Papua

Following a series of shooting incidents in Papua Province that killed several people, including Mulia Sector Police ...

RI govt alert over separatist-flag-raising actions in Papua

Chief security minister Djoko Suyanto said the government, the security apparatus in particular, was paying special ...

Three killed, one injured by unknown gunmen in Freeport area

Three people were reportedly killed and another seriously injured in an ambush by unidentified gunmen in PT ...

Freeport Indonesia resumes production

Production at PT Freeport Indonesia mines in Papua resumed on Tuesday after being halted since Monday (Oct 17) due to ...

Freeport urges striking workers to stop criminal activity

The management of PT Freeport Indonesia has urged striking workers to stop committing illegal acts and criminal ...

Minister to focus on solving Freeport`s problems

The ministry of energy and mineral resources (ESDM) is committed to increasing mining activities, including the ...

President urged to intervene in Timika shooting incidents handling

Workers of PT Freeport Indonesia have urged President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to intervene in the handling of a ...

Freeport resumes production activities in Papua

PT Freeport Indonesia has resumed its production activities in Papua province after they were temporarily stopped last ...

Freeport temporarily stops production in Papua

PT Freeport Indonesia has temporarily stopped production of gold and copper due to rising tension between its ...

Freeport appeals to protesters to open blockade

PT Freeport Indonesia again appealed to protesting employees to open blockade to smoothen flows of logistic ...

Police identify six involved in Mimika shooting incident

Police said they have identified six people involved in the shooting of a car at Mile 37, Tanggul Timur, Mimika, ...