#pt pupuk indonesia

Collection of pt pupuk indonesia news, found 97 news.

Renewable shares in energy mix targeted in 2020

The government has targeted 13.4 percent of renewable shares in energy mix in 2020, Energy and Mineral Resource ...

Pupuk Indonesia prepares 1.47M tons of subsidized fertilizer

State-run fertilizer company PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) had prepared 1.47 million tons of subsidized fertilizer for ...

45 tons of urea bound for India

The state-owned fertilizer maker PT Petrokimia Gresik will export 45 tons urea to India on the second week of August, ...

Sofyan Basir summoned as a witness in shipping bribery case

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will summon former President Director of PT PLN, Sofyan Basir, as a witness ...

Fertilizer Indonesia named most creative company in 2019

Fertilizer company PT Pupuk Indonesia was named Indonesia’s Most Creative Company in 2019 by SWA Magazine at ...

House's Sec. Gen. Indra Iskandar faces anti-graft body's interrogation

Secretary General of Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR) Indra Iskandar was cross-examined by the Corruption ...

Antigraft body searches room of legislator Muhammad Nasir

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) searched the working room of Indonesian House of Representatives member ...

Pupuk Indonesia to enhance its operational oversight

State-owned fertilizer producer  PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) will intensify supervisory operational oversight ...

Fertilizer distribution applies tender system: Pupuk Indonesia

PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) reiterated the fact that fertilizers being distributed through various transportation ...

Pupuk Indonesia president director leads impromptu meeting

President Director of State-owned fertilizer producer  PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero) Aas Asikin Idat led an ...

Pupuk Indonesia targets export of 1.9 million tons of fertilizer

State-owned fertilizer producer PT Pupuk Indonesia has targeted to export some 1.9 million tons of fertilizer this ...

Assistance for tsunami victims reaches Rp2 billion

Until December 27, 2018, State-owned Enterprises (BUMN) offered assistance of over Rp2 billion covering ready-to-eat ...

Coal business remains prospective

Coal business happened to be sluggish in the 2012-2015 period because coal prices in the world market fell sharply, ...

Pupuk Indonesia projects its exports to reach US$655 million

State-owned fertilizer holding company PT Pupuk Indonesia has projected its exports to reach Rp9.9 trillion, or US$655 ...

Pupuk Kaltim targets methanol plant to commence production in 2023

State-owned fertilizer producer PT Pupuk Kaltim, a subsidiary of PT Pupuk Indonesia, has planned to build a methanol ...