
Collection of punishment news, found 697 news.

Palembang government edifies mothers on optimizing child protection

The Palembang city government, South Sumatra, is disseminating information to housewives across 18 sub-districts of the ...

West Jakarta police uncover new mode of meth distribution

West Jakarta Police have uncovered a new mode employed by an international drug-trafficking network to distribute ...

Reforming bureaucratic structure for effective governance

Ever since his appointment as the State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform Minister two years ago, Tjahjo Kumolo has ...

News Focus

Police praised for prompt handling of Kace blasphemy case

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and several sections of Muslim communities in the country have praised the National ...

Stop unlawful acts threatening interfaith unity: PMII

The Indonesian Islamic Students Movement (PMII) emphasized the importance of aggressively stopping all unlawful acts ...

Wahid calls for stringent punishment meted to blasphemy law offenders

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Deputy Speaker Hidayat Nur Wahid lauded the National Police's crackdown on ...

Indonesia cites regret over Nigerian diplomat incident

Indonesia's Foreign Affairs Ministry has expressed regret for violence against a Nigerian diplomat on August 7, ...

Depok yet to enforce vaccine certificate requirement

The Depok COVID-19 Task Force speaker Dadang Wihana confirmed that his side had not yet enforced the vaccine ...


The Aggravating state of human rights in Jammu and Kashmir

Nelson Mandela once said, “to deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity”. This is ...

Epidemiologist backs extension of emergency restrictions in Java-Bali

Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM) epidemiologist Riris Andono Ahmad agreed with the government's decision to extend ...

News Focus

Indonesia's long and winding road to winning war on drugs

Indonesia, which has seen drug addiction spiral into a life-threatening problem for millions of people, on Monday ...

MP questions Bandung high court's ruling in drug trafficking case

A senior member of parliament (MP) questioned the Bandung high court judges' ruling under which six convicted drug ...

Ummi hospital president director handed one-year jail term

The East Jakarta District Court sentenced Ummi Hospital President Director Andi Tatat to one year in prison on Thursday ...

Habib Rizieq Shihab's son-in-law sentenced to one year imprisonment

The East Jakarta District Court sentenced Habib Hanif Alatas to one year in prison on Thursday over the Ummi Hospital ...

West Nusa Tenggara police apprehends 4, confiscates 1-kg crystal meth

The West Nusa Tenggara police officers seized one kilogram of crystal methamphetamine from four drug offenders recently ...