Health Minister Nila Moeloek said all elements of the government were combined, working together to identify victims ...
The bodies of 22 victims of the Lion Air JT 610 plane crash arrived at Raden Said Sukanto Police Hospital, East ...
A Lion Air passenger airplane with 188 people on board and flying from Jakarta to Pangkalpinang in Bangka Belitung ...
Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu held a bilateral meeting with his Indian counterpart, Nirmala ...
Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu received an honorary visit from his Indian counterpart Smt Nirmala ...
The Ministry of Transportation will test local radars by the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya (ITS), ...
Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto explained the development concept of Bogor City (West Java) in a forum at the 2018 ...
Threatened by a significant number of natural disasters every year, Indonesia should immediately have a special ...
Formerly known as Pitu airport, Leo Wattimena is a private airport located on the southern coast of Morotai Island ...
The Leo Wattimena Air Force base on the island of Morotai, North Maluku, would be strengthened as an integrated ...
Observation satellites are needed by Indonesia not only for disaster mitigation but also for evacuation, according to ...
Over the past two months, officers of the Indonesian police, navy, and National Narcotics Agency (BNN) have repeatedly ...
Indonesia perceives China as having huge economic potential that could offer a marketplace for exports and a source of ...
The Defense Ministry said it is renegotiating cooperation program with South Korea to build 4.5 generation fighter ...
Coordinating Minister for Law Security and Political Affairs Wiranto has said Indonesia does not want to be involved ...