#rainy season

Collection of rainy season news, found 680 news.

Jakarta plans concrete actions to solve problem of floods

The central government and the Jakarta administration have come up with a number of concrete steps to solve the ...

As floods cripple Jakarta, President calls for public safety first

Jakarta (ANTARA News) Most parts of Jakarta were covered with flood water on Thursday crippling transports to the ...

Jakarta floods force 9,374 to evacuate

A total of 9,374 residents have evacuated to higher grounds since floods swept through a number of areas in Jakarta on ...

Over 3,000 people evacuated over floods in Jakarta

At least 3,000 residents have been evacuated to safer places and emergency shelters due to flooding in various parts ...

Bekasi to build four reservoirs to cope with flooding

The Bekasi city administration in West Java said it will build four reservoirs to cope with the city flooding this ...

Flash flood damages 500 houses in E Java

Flash flood hit 500 houses in Situbondo district, East Java, last Saturday night, Situbondo District`s Chief of ...

Floods force operator to close a bus lane

Heavy rain falls in Sunday morning which triggered a one-meter flood in Pesing sub-district, Kalideres, West Jakarta, ...

Truck queues at Merak port almost overcome

The long queue at Merak port of trucks willing to be ferried to Bakauheni port of Sumatra has since Saturday night ...

Flood inundating thousand houses in S Sumatra for week

The flood that has inundated thousand houses in Banyuasin district, South Sumatra, since a week ago has not yet ...

Bengawan Solo flood in Bojonegoro receding

The flood caused by the overflow of Bengawan Solo River in Bojonegoro regency, East Java province, is showing signs of ...

Environmental quality of Ciliwung river needs to be improved

The environmental quality of Ciliwung River, which runs across Jakarta and its surrounding areas, must be improved ...

floods expand in several Indonesian provinces

Floods that have hit some parts of Indonesia since November 2012, are currently expanding in a number of provinces ...

Rice prices to be stable in 2013

The prices of rice have been stable in Bandarlampung since the beginning of this year. Traders have been able to meet ...

Badung expected to build drainage system in Nusa Dua

Members of Parliament in Bali have called on the government of Badung district to build a drainage system in Nusa Dua ...

Flash floods damage hundreds of hectares of paddy fields in E Java

Flash floods hit several villages in Bojonegoro district, East Java province, on Wednesday, damaging hundreds of ...