A survey on sexual abuses showed that 93 percent of victims of rape in Indonesia chose not to report the ...
In 2010, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton provoked outrage in Beijing when she pushed the South China Sea to ...
Rodrigo Duterte was sworn in as the Philippines 16th president on Thursday, capping an unlikely journey for a ...
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) supported the discussion on the bill on Elimination of Sexual Violence initiated by the ...
Politicians and child protection activists have lauded the issuance of Government Regulation No. 1 of 2016, which is ...
More and more horrific and brutal rape-cum-murders have been reported across the country lately even as the public and ...
House Speaker Ade Komarudin has said he supports the governments recent decision to issue a Perppu (a government ...
Character education, or the teaching of virtues, should start at home where children can learn through positive ...
Sexual violence against children in Indonesia has reached an alarming level and created an emergency situation that ...
Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa confirmed that 19-year-old F, who was raped by 19 men, was a victim ...
The recent horrific case of gang rape and death of a 14-year old, YY, by 14 teenagers in the Rejanglebong District, ...
Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa has urged parents to guard children from pornography that could ...
The Peoples Consultative Assembly (MPR) Speaker Zulkifli Hasan urged the House of Representatives (DPR) to accelerate ...
The tragic case of 14-year-old Yuyun, who died after being gang raped by 14 teenagers, should serve as a momentum for ...
Indonesia is mourning the loss of 14-year-old Yuyun who died after being raped by 14 teenagers in Rejanglebong ...