#reducing poverty

Collection of reducing poverty news, found 131 news.

President calls on people to save on fuels

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono called on the people to seriously help save on fuel oil consumption in an effort to ...

president holds closed-door meeting discussing rkp and rapbn-p

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono held a closed-door meeting here on Monday to discuss the Government Work Plan (RKP) ...

Apps For Asia Winners Featured at Asian Development Bank Annual Meeting

- ADB and Microsoft Corp. will showcase the Apps For Asia-Redesigning Development Program at the 46th Annual Meeting of ...

Indonesia needs to take more efforts to achieve MDGs

Indonesia still needs to take more efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015, although ...

Private sector can stimulate sustainable development: British PM

British Prime Minister David Cameron expected that the private and investment sector as the best way to stimulate ...

Southeast Asian women wants more participation in corruption eradication programs

Around 95 representatives from civil societies and governments from Southeast Asian countries namely Indonesia, ...

Greenpeace lauds Indonesia`s commitment to emissions reduction

Greenpeace has praised Indonesia`s commitment to environmental issues, including the country`s plans to reduce ...

Indonesia, Malaysia to co-chair Asean infrastructure fund

Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo said Indonesia would chair the board of directors of the ASEAN Infrastructure Fund ...

Yudhoyono sees entrepreneurs as economic heroes

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono considers entrepreneurs who are consistently creating business opportunities, as ...

"Anggur Merah" program considered successful

The "Anggur Merah" Independent Village Program in East Nusa Tenggara Province has been a success in significantly ...

President invites hakka chinese bizmen to invest in MP3EI projects

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono held a meeting with representatives of Asia`s Hakka Chinese community and asked ...

Whoever wins 2014 elections to need other parties` support :Yudhoyono

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said whoever won the presidential election in 2014 would still need the support of ...

Research key to improving small farmers` welfare

Agriculture experts from Indonesia and Australia will meet in Bogor on Wednesday (Nov.30, 2011) to identify research ...

Brazil is world champion in fighting hunger: WFP

Brazil is a world leader in the fight against hunger and its experience can be shared with other countries, visiting ...

Bill Gates Calls on G20 Leaders Not to Turn Their Backs on the World's Poor

-      - Report Highlights Role of Innovation in Expanding Development Resources for the ...