
Collection of reforestation news, found 206 news.

Forest restoration to minimize deforestation: expert

Restoring forest areas can help reduce deforestation and achieve the forestry sector's net sink target, according ...

Interactive Brokers launches ‘IMPACT’ mobile trading platform for socially conscious investors globally

Interactive Brokers Group (Nasdaq: IBKR), a global brokerage firm, today introduced IMPACT to investors worldwide. ...

Jokowi inspects construction of flood mitigation embankment in Sintang

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inspected the construction of a flood mitigation embankment constructed by using ...

Several provinces to experience increase in rain cloud growth: BMKG

Several provinces in Indonesia will experience an increase in the growth of rain clouds, as they are triggered by ...

Jokowi attributes Kalimantan flooding to rainwater catchment damage

The flooding in Kalimantan was caused by damage in the rainwater catchment areas, for which repairs were ...

Central Java governor presses for public vigil amid natural disasters

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo reminded the public to prepare by taking requisite precautionary measures against ...

Mary Kay Inc. supports female entrepreneur-led project to improve water security in Monterrey in partnership with The Nature Conservancy

Mary Kay Inc. is proud to announce the sponsorship of a project to improve water security in Monterrey in partnership ...

Amazon announces investment in nature-based carbon removal solutions in Brazil with The Nature Conservancy

As part of its efforts to support global solutions to the climate crisis, Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) today announced the ...

BRGM to reforest West Kalimantan's 6,000-hectare mangrove forests

The Peatland and Mangrove Restoration Agency (BRGM) plans to reforest six thousand hectares of mangrove forests in five ...

Millions of tree seedlings should be planted on coast: BNPB

National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Head Doni Monardo stressed on the need for planting millions of tree ...

President urges South Kalimantan governor to ensure no future flooding

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) urged Governor of South Kalimantan and all district heads as well as mayors in the ...

Preservation efforts intensified for Enggano Island's green turtles

The habits of people of Enggano Island, a 400-square-kilometer island in Enggano District, Bengkulu Province, have ...

Government to reforest 2,000-ha arid and barren land in Bengkulu

The Environment and Forestry Ministry, through the Center for River Basin Area and Protected Forest Management ...

Jokowi inspects seedling center for environmental disaster prevention

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Friday inspected the development of the seed and seedling center in Rumpin, Bogor ...

Mangrove forests to hereafter not be converted into ponds: Minister

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Eddhy Prabowo has made assurance that mangrove forests would henceforth not be ...