#rice surplus

Collection of rice surplus news, found 49 news.

News focus - Government needs to ensure enough rice stocks by Andi Abdussalam

The government needs to take anticipatory steps in case of a possible scarcity of rice stocks ahead of the Christmas ...

Government needs to improve data on rice production

The government needs to improve its data on rice production, as accurate figures will be important in deciding whether ...

Polemic on rice data must be resolved: observer

Al-Azhar University Criminal Law Observer Suparji Ahmad has recommended that the debate about the differences in data ...

Indonesia has sufficient rice stock: Official

The Ministry of Agriculture claimed that Indonesia does not need to import rice as the domestic stock of 3 million ...

North Sumatra set to chalk up increase in rice production

The province of North Sumatra is set to continue to boost its rice production after hitting a record high in 11 years ...

Indonesia plans to export rice

Indonesia plans to export rice, after national production reached 79.17 million tons in 2016, which is above the ...

Surplus predicted in rice production in South Kalimantan

South Kalimantan is expected to maintain surplus in rice production this year despite the lengthy drought that has ...

President Jokowi to achieve food self-sufficiency in three years

President Joko Widodo has said his government is targeting achieving food self-sufficiency in three years. "The ...

Minister targets 2.6 mln hectares for food production program

State-owned Enterprise (SOE) Minister Dahlan Iskan has set a target to cultivate 2.6 million hectares of agricultural ...

Indonesia might not follow Myanmar`s example in paddy production

Agriculture Minister Suswono has stated that Indonesia might not follow Myanmar`s example in paddy production, which ...

Indonesian govt guarantees food stocks, prices during Idul Fitr holidays

The government will guarantee the availability of food stocks, as well as ensure their prices remain reasonable during ...

Indonesia confident it can withstand European crisis

Indonesian finance minister Agus Martowardojo said he was confident Indonesia could withstand the impact of the ...

Food security needs serious attention

The Indonesian government needs to pay serious attention to domestic food security amid the soaring global food ...

Indonesia needs 14 mln ha to achieve rice surplus

Indonesia needs 14.02 million hectares of rice fields to achieve a rice surplus of five million tons, an Agriculture ...

Govt to create rice fields amid food scarcity threat

The government plans to create rice fields on 100 thousand hectares of land this year in anticipation of the threat of ...