#rice surplus

Collection of rice surplus news, found 49 news.

RI intends to invest in Vietnam`s food sector

The Indonesian government intends to invest in the food sector in Vietnam, Agriculture Minister Suswono said. "At ...

Small farmers should be basis of food development

Smallholder`s agriculture and food estates must be synchronized with development of the country`s food resilience so ...

President calls for central govt-regions synergy to fight poverty

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has asked regional governments to make programs to cut the poverty rate in their ...

President names statistics chief deputy agriculture minister

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono named chief of the National Statistics Agency, Rusman Heriawan, deputy minister of ...

RI govt to invest up to Rp2,400 trillion to develop Sulawesi

The government plans to invest up to Rp2,400 trillion to develop Sulawesi, Fisheries and Marine Resources Minister ...

RI potentially become rice exporter: farmers

The gvernment needs to be more selective in its policies on farm seeds in order to make Indonesia a world rice ...

Rice fields need better infrastructures

Indonesia needs to develop its dams and irrigation to overcome desolation during droughts so that the country`s 7.5 ...

RI seeking extension of rice-purchasing contracts

Indonesia where rice is the main staple food of its 237 million population is seeking to extend its rice purchasing ...

President asks farmers to make Indonesia rice center

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono appealed on Thursday to all farmers to work hand in hand to make Indonesia the ...

Ministry to use budget allocation to increase rice production

Agriculture Minister Siswono said he would use the 2012 budget allocation totaling Rp17.8 trillion for his ministry ...

RI govt to allocate Rp41.9 trillion for food resilience

The government plans to allocate Rp41.9 trillion for food resilience in 2012, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said ...

Bulog to conduct market operations in several regions

The State Logistics Agency (Bulog) is ready to conduct rice market operations in several regions to stabilize ...

Seeking to expand rice sources imports

While expecting to produce 68.68 million tons of dried unhulled rice this year, Indonesia is planning to expand the ...

RI exploring cooperation on rice procurement with India, Pakistan

Indonesia is exploring cooperation on rice procurement with India and Pakistan in an effort to increase its overseas ...

Governor rejects call for rice import

East Java Governor Soekarwo rejected a call of the Indonesian Farmers Association (HKTI) to import rice soon. ...