
Collection of roadmap news, found 850 news.

Pursuing industrial digitalization through PIDI 4.0

The Industry Ministry is striving to expedite the adoption of Industry 4.0 by implementing the Making Indonesia 4.0 ...

Green economy must provide new, quality job opportunities: Minister

Green economic growth should create new jobs with higher quality, so the green economy transition will not increase ...

Cross-border payments still posing challenge: BI

The implementation of cross-border payments is still posing several challenges, such as high costs, limited access ...

G20 Indonesia

G20 encourages transparent energy transition for vulnerable people

The G20 Sherpa meeting continued deliberations in the third session, with the theme of transparent energy transition, ...

Australia’s largest footwear company runs with Boomi to hasten e-commerce and transformation roadmap

Boomi™, the intelligent connectivity and automation leader, today announced Munro Footwear Group (MFG) has created ...

Encouraging independence of Indonesian pharmaceutical industry

Large costs are incurred in developing medicines, vaccines, and health devices, including for lab testing and ...

Industry 4.0 to optimize Indonesia's manufacturing potential: Ministry

The industrial revolution 4.0 will optimize Indonesia's potential in the manufacturing sector through digital ...

ECHO Telementoring can be part of cancer prevention effort: ministry

The Extension for Community Health Outcomes (ECHO) telementoring can serve as a preventive and promotional effort in ...

Crypto asset exports can help boost exports: deputy minister

Deputy Minister of Trade Jerry Sambuaga said digital commodities such as crypto asset exports have the ...

Indonesia embraces three agendas in candidacy for ITU council member

Indonesia carries three main agendas in its nomination for becoming a council member of the International ...

Need Rp77.82 trillion to meet forestry NDC target: minister

The cost of mitigating climate change to reach the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) target for the forestry ...

Indonesia, Britain agree to forge cooperation in new, renewable energy

Indonesian President Joko Widodo and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson agreed to intensify cooperation in new and ...

FEELM joins Carbon Disclosure Project as part of SMOORE’s drive to tackle climate emergency

FEELM, the flagship atomization technology platform belonging to SMOORE - the world’s largest vape manufacture1, has ...

G20 Indonesia

Indonesia encourages increased accessibility of financial instruments

Indonesia is pushing to increase the accessibility and affordability of sustainable financial instruments at the third ...

Indonesia offers investment opportunities in oil and gas to Norway

The Indonesian government offered investment to develop the energy sector, especially oil and gas, to the Government of ...