
Collection of rp6 news, found 951 news.

Govt allocates rp26 bln for W Nusa Tengara`s food security

The government has allocated Rp26.852 billion in funds to finance a food security program in West Nusa Tenggara ...

President denies relative benefited from Bank Century bailout

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono denied rumors that some of the funds to bail out Bank Century had gone to a member ...

KPK expects more suspects in athlete village scandal

The disclosure on Friday that Democrat Party (PD) cadre Angelina Sondakh is named a suspect is expected to serve as an ...

Two Sri Lankan nationals arrested over atm forgery

The National Police Criminal Investigation Division (Bareskrim) arrested two Sri Lankan nationals who are suspected of ...

Demand for state bonds increases: minister

Demand for State Bonds (SUNs) increased after Indonesia was given an investment grade rating by two international ...

Raising fuel price more realistic : economist

Raising the present gasoline price will be a more realistic policy than the government's plan to limit subsidized fuel ...

C Sulawesi bulog holds rice stocks of 15,000 tons

The Central Sulawesi office of the State Logistics Board (Bulog) is holding rice stocks of 15,000 tons enough to meet ...

Bulog still conducting market operations in Ambon

As of the second week of January 2012 the Maluku division of State Logistics Agency (Bulog) was still conducting ...

Police name 37 suspects in Bank Century case

The police have so far named 37 suspects in connection with money laundering, banking and general crimes committed in ...

Kujang to build Rp6.8 tln fertilizer plant

State fertilizer company PT Pupuk Kujang is planning to build another unit of its plants called Kujang IC at a cost of ...

RI stepping up energy cooperation with other countries

Indonesia is new stepping up cooperation in the energy sector with many countries in the face of growing energy ...

RI's house extends Bank Century case supervisory team`s tenure

The House of Representatives (DPR) on Friday decided to ignore the expiry date of its Bank Century Case Supervisory ...

KPK`s Bank Century probe may take years : deputy chief

A Corruption Eradication Commmission (KPK) deputy chief said the commission`s investigation into the Bank Century ...

RI, China exploring cooperation on renewable energy

Indonesia and China are exploring cooperation on the development of renewable energy, a cabinet minister said. ...

Indonesian stock exchange sees better market in 2012

Many analysts have predicted that the initial public offering (IPO) market in 2012 will remain relatively gloomy, but ...