#search and rescue agency basarnas

Collection of search and rescue agency basarnas news, found 435 news.

Indonesian police plane crashes in Riau islands with 15 on board

A police plane with 15 people on board crashed on its flight from Pangkal Pinang in the Sumatran province of ...

Two Afghans found dead on Makassar beach

Two Afghan nationals drowned near the Layar Putih Beach, Tanjung Merdeka, Makassar District, South Sulawesi Province. ...

Leonardo ready to expand helicopter sales to Indonesia

Italian aerospace, defense and security company Leonardo-Finmeccanica sees an opportunity to expand its presence in ...

President wants long-term solution to Garut disaster

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) wants a long-term solution to recurring natural disasters, especially the flash floods ...

Fishing boat reported capsized with 11 fishermen off Pangandaran

At least 11 fishermen from Pemalang, Central Java, were reported missing in the sea off Pangandaran, West Java, a ...

Rescuers still searching two missing climbers at Mount Slamet

Rescuers of the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) are still searching for two climbers who had been ...

Five killed in bridge collapse in Lombok

As many as five persons believed to be construction workers were killed due to the collapse of Kokok Tojang bridge in ...

Floods Leave Two Dead, Three Missing in Bandung, West Java

Floods have left two dead and three others missing in Bandung District, West Java Province, as Citarum River ...

All on board ship catching fire off Maselembo are safe

All 19 crew members of the KM Lintas Belawan , which caught fire in the sea off Maselembo on Wednesday are saved by ...

Indonesian Navy to use warships to evacuate smog victims

Indonesian Navy has prepared two Landing Platform Dock (LPD) type vessels, a floating hospital KRI dr Suharso-990 and ...

Basarnas hands over crashed Aviastar black box to KNKT

The National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) has handed over black box and debris of crashed Aviastar aircraft to ...

Ten bodies of crashed Aviastar plane arrive at Hasanuddin airport

As many as ten bodies of the victims of the crashed Aviastar aircraft, which were evacuated by a joint team of ...

Basarnas to evacuate passengers of crashed Aviastar plane Tuesday

The National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) will evacuate the bodies of the victims of the crashed Aviastar ...

Missing Aviastar Twin Otter plane`s debris traced

The debris of the Aviastars plane that had lost contact during a flight from Masamba to Makassar in South Sulawesi on ...

No lead found from reports on missing aircrfat

The Chief of the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas), Rear Marshal FH Bambang Soelistyo, said here on Sunday ...