#security system

Collection of security system news, found 272 news.

Legislator calls for good cyber security to protect citizens' data

Indonesia must have good cyber security as the alleged data leakage of 279 million Indonesians is a warning for the ...


The Security Challenge to National Cyberspace Defense

The national security challenge of cyberspace was highlighted by the British Air Force chief of staff to officers to be ...

News Focus

Fallen warrior laid to rest, fight to restore Papua peace continues

The recent ambush by Papuan rebels in Dambet village, Beoga sub-district, Puncak district, which led to the death of ...

Indonesia's fallen agent laid to rest at Kalibata Heroes Cemetery

Papua Office was transported from Timika in Mimika District, Papua Province, and arrived at the Soekarno Hatta ...

President Widodo grieves over agent's death in Papua gunfight

President Joko Widodo condoled the death of Brig. Gen. I Gusti Putu Danny Karya Nugraha, Indonesia's top agent in ...

Agent's death not retreat fight against armed terrorists in Papua: BIN

Intelligence officers and security personnel will never retreat from fighting armed separatist and terrorist groups ...

ASEAN, Japan must build collaboration to restore economy: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo said there are two things that the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Japan can ...

Jakarta to deploy officers to avert bicycle mugging

Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Office, Syafrin Liputo, is stationing patrol officers in the city's cycling ...

Open, predictable trade environment key to food security: APEC

Agriculture and food ministers and senior representatives from APEC’s 21 member economies have pressed for ...

Local Police asked to check security in warehouses storing explosives

Indonesian Police's Intelligence and Security Division (Kabaintelkam) Head Comm. Gen. Rycko Amelza Dahniel ...

Government should ensure cybersecurity system immediately updated: DPR

Member of the House of Representatives' (DPR's) Commission I, Sukamta, called on the government to ascertain ...

W Kalimantan police intensify security after incident in SE Sulawesi

West Kalimantan police increased security in keeping with instructions of the National Police headquarters in Jakarta ...

National Data Center expected to be established this year

The National Data Center that will integrate government data with a multi-layered security system is expected to be ...

PT MRT, Shimizu-Adhi Karya ink contract to develop MRT Phase-2A

PT MRT Jakarta, along with PT Adhi Karya and Shimizu Corporation Indonesia, signed the contract to develop Phase 2A of ...

Mataram authorities await ministry's decision to relocate Felix

The Correctional Facilities of Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, await the decision of the Ministry of Law and Human ...