
Collection of seminar news, found 1.562 news.

West Papua encouraging eco-friendly investment: official

The West Papua provincial authority and development partners are committed to collaborating for encouraging ...

Pancasila values must guide government policy: ministry

Pancasila values need to be internalized in each policy and decision taken by the government, Head of Human Resource ...

Gender, age diversity important to advance SOEs: Vice Minister

Vice Minister II for State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Kartika Wirjoatmodjo on Wednesday emphasized the ...

Focusing on alleviating poverty, child stunting reduction: ministry

Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono has said that his ministry is continuing to ...

Governmental support paramount to boosting digital economy: Ministry

The government’s support through clear and structured regulations as well as equitable access, infrastructure, ...

PUPR Ministry continues to encourage One Million Houses Program

The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) will continue to encourage the implementation of the One Million ...

Economic transformation paramount to driving productivity: Bappenas

The National Development Planning Ministry/National Development Planning Agency's (Bappenas) Economic Deputy Amalia ...

Mangrove rehabilitation can boost citizens' income: BRGM

Mangrove rehabilitation, through the National Economic Recovery (PEN) Program, can preserve the ecosystem while ...

Journalists urged to support women's empowerment, gender equality

At the online seminar "76 Years of Independence, Have Indonesia's Women Prospered?", here Saturday, ...

Presidential Staff accommodates needs of disabled during vaccination

Presidential Special Staff Angkie Yudistia has established coordination with the Ministry of Health and local health ...

Data paucity impedes fulfilment of rights of disabled: Special Staff

A dearth of data has turned out to be an impediment for the government to fulfill the basic needs of people with ...

UI holding research, innovation events to mark Technology Day

The University of Indonesia (UI) has organized a series of virtual events from August 9 to August 31, 2021 as part of ...

Pancasila-based leadership necessary for Indonesia: scholar

A national leadership based on Pancasila ideology is necessary to implement good governance in Indonesia, Syarif ...

Preserve traditional herbal medicine: Jamu industry entrepreneur

Indonesia's industry of jamu -- traditional herbal medicinal drink -- is on the brink of a crisis amid spice ...

Pfizer Indonesia to offer biotech fellowships

Pfizer Indonesia has said it will soon unveil biotech fellowships to produce quality human resources in Indonesia, ...