#social forestry

Collection of social forestry news, found 143 news.

Indonesia calls for mangrove protection during international panel

At the 5th International Panel on Sustainable Ocean Economy held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, recently, Indonesia ...

GGPR study assists Indonesia's green growth: Environment Minister

The study and recommendations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) through its Green ...

South Kalimantan piloted watershed rehabilitation

South Kalimantan could be an example of the implementation of a national watershed rehabilitation program, the Ministry ...

Ministry campaigns on waste management during Java Jazz Festival

The Environmental Affairs and Forestry Ministry has used the international musical event of Java Jazz Festival (JJF) ...

Land conflicts between residents and concessionary companies still occur: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) pointed to land conflicts that continued to occur between the local residents and ...

Presidential Debate

Land distribution to improve people`s access to working capital: Jokowi

Incumbent president Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said, distribution of land to the people is aimed at encouraging the access ...

Government to improve social forestry program in 2019

The government will continue to improve the implementation of the social forestry program in 2019 and prepare some 13 ...

President calls for stopping illegal logging in Jambi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) called on security authorities in Jambi here on Sunday to seriously tackle illegal ...

Forest farmers called to plant prime commodities

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) called on recipients of the Social Forestry Decree certificate in Jambi on Sunday to ...

One-map policy to improve business, overlapping land by Andi Abdussalam

Overlapping land use or even overlapping claim on land ownership is one of the main problems of land in ...

Central government appreciates local government for preparing data for one map policy

The central government, through the Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko, appreciated the awareness and enthusiasm of ...

President Jokowi greets teachers on Teachers` Day

President Joko Widodo greeted teachers on the occasion of Teachets` Day on Sunday afternoon. "Today is ...

President popularizes village funds in Palembang

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will popularize the village fund program 2019 and hand over the Letter of Decision (SK) ...

Government encourages community economic independence

The government has encouraged the creation of economic independence of the community through entrepreneurial ...

Government`s development strategy ensures supply-demand balance: Minister

The four-year economic development strategy of the Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla Government has focused on a balance between ...