
Collection of sumenep news, found 120 news.

Boat capsizes, 13 found dead in east java

Thirteen people drowned and 14 others were saved after the boat they were traveling in capsized in waters between ...

PT Garam buys 10,000 tons of salt from farmers

State salt company PT Garam has bought 10,000 tons of salt from farmers in Sumenep, Pamekasan, and Sampang districts ...

Some 18 figures to vie for PSSI chairmanship

Saturday (July 9, 2011) is a day much awaited by many people as the All-Indonesia Soccer Association (PSSI) at its ...

PT Garam optimistic to achieve salt production target

State salt producer PT Garam is optimistic that it can achieve the salt production target of 635 thousand tons for ...

Police yet to summon blast fishing victim

Sumenep district police investigators have yet to summon the victim of blast fishing in Kandibas hamlet, Guluk-Guluk ...

RI`s inflation slows to 0.13 pct in February

Indonesia`s inflation rate slowed to 0.13 percent in February from 0.89 percent a month earlier, the Central ...

Police foil attempt to smuggle through 45 Iraqi, Iranian immigrants

East Java police have foiled an attempt to smuggle through 46 undocumented immigrants from Iraq and Iran who were ...

Ministry Provides 60 Clusters for Seaweed Cultivation

The Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry has developed 60 clusters for seaweed cultivation in many regions in ...

Govt allocates Rp12 Bln to develop Trunojoyo airport

The government has agreed to allocate Rp12 billion to develop Trunojoyo airport in Madura island, East Java, an ...

Parts of Indonesia experience cyclone Vince`s impact

Several parts of Indonesia have experienced the impact of tropical cyclone Vince, although it is predicted to last ...

Ambon designated as one of nine minapolitan areas

The eastern Indonesian city of Ambon in Maluku Province has been designated as one of nine fishing sites in the ...

Whirlwind Damages Hundreds of Buildings in Sumenep

A whirlwind lasting for two days from Tuesday to Wednesday have damaged at least 104 buildings in Sumenep district, ...

Strong wind destroys scores of houses in Sumenep

Strong and rapid winds which hit Sumenep regency in Madura island, East Java province, on Wednesday destroyed scores ...

Whirlwind strikes three Sumenep villages

A whirlwind struck three villages in Giligenting sub district, Sumenep District, Madura Island, East Java, ...

Ministry to focus on minapolitan project

The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry is to focus on development of Minapolitan areas (fisheries cities) in 41 ...