
Collection of supervisory news, found 1.456 news.

Law ministry settles 32 cases of intellectual property rights violation

The Law and Human Rights Ministry settled 32 cases of intellectual property rights violation throughout ...

Presidential election poses big challenge for indonesian media: KPI

The 2019 presidential election is a huge challenge for Indonesia`s media that stood divided in the 2014 presidential ...

PGN denies KPPU`s accusation on conspiracy in Kalija i project

State-owned gas firm, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN), has denied accusations of the Business Competition ...

Year ender - Protecting Indonesian elections from cyberattacks

Cyberattacks have threatened elections in several countries, and one of the major hacking cases was alleged foreign ...

Cyberattacks increase ahead of presidential elections: BSSN

Cyberattacks have increased lately, ahead of the simultaneous legislative and presidential elections to be held in ...

Year Ender - When the empty column appeals to voters at large by Eliswan Azly

General elections in Indonesia were originally intended to elect members of representative institutions, specifically ...

Minister hints at political motives behind scattered e-ID cards

Home Minister Tjahjo Kumolo pointed to indications of political motives behind the scattering of electronic KTPs (e-ID ...

Year ender - Government poised to achieve salt self-sufficiency By Andi Abdussalam

The main problem that the government has been facing so far in the salt sector is increasing the production and market ...

year ender - subsidized kur credit to reach rp120 trillion by year-end by andi abdussalam

In an effort to help small businesses obtain cheap financing, in 2007, the government had launched a subsidized micro ...

Reunion of 212 demonstrates efficient crowd management

No precise figure is available on the number of people, who had attended the 212 of Alumni Reunion held at National ...

OIC countries face deadly diseases: Minister

Indonesian Health Minister Nila F. Moeloek has stated that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member ...

Indonesia ready to share vaccine technology with OIC members

Indonesia which is hosting a two-day medicine regulators meeting in Jakarta from Wednesday (Nov 21) is set to share ...

Some 32 OIC members attend medicines regulators` meeting in Jakarta

A total of 32 member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) are taking part in the National ...

OIC to discuss pharmaceutical cooperation in Jakarta

The National Medicines Regulatory Authorities (NMRAs) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) will hold a ...

BPOM uncovers online sales of illegal drugs worth Rp17.4 billion

The Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) has managed to uncover the online circulation of illegal drugs worth ...