Retired army lieutenant general Sjafrie Syamsoeddin enjoys the popularity and has the capability to run for Jakarta ...
Embattled Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Wednesday pulled within striking distance of the votes needed ...
National Coordinator of Voter Education Network (JPPR) Masykurudin Hafidz said the Friends of Ahok emerges as a form ...
Three suicide bombers opened fire before blowing themselves up at the entrance to the main international airport in ...
The Pentagon said on Saturday it has questioned Moscow over air strikes against US-backed Syrian opposition forces ...
With the election of Jakartas next governor just a few months away, the political atmosphere in the capital city, and ...
The attorney generals office said the Malaysian court sentencing to death an Indonesian drug courier has no effect on ...
Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said he is optimistic debate on the tax amnesty bill would go smoothly that tax ...
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbulls popularity has fallen, just over a month before what is expected to a ...
The election of Setya Novanto as the new general chairman of the Golkar party, will benefit the government of ...
Setya Novanto has been elected as the new general chairman of Golkar Party following a vote held in a party congress ...
The extraordinary national congress of Golkar, the countrys second largest political party, would be opened on ...
Observers are split over the tax amnesty bill proposed by the government. Some said it is a breakthrough, but ...
Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk tendered his resignation in a televised broadcast on Sunday (April 10) and ...
Vice President M Jusuf Kalla attended the closing ceremony of PPP congress at Pondok Gede Hajj Dormitory, East ...