#the coalition

Collection of the coalition news, found 1.285 news.

Golkar has to be consistent in support for Jokowi: Agung Laksono

Chairman of Golkar Council of Experts Agung Laksono reminded the party leaders of its decision to throw its full ...

Situation in Syria constitutes international armed conflict: Red Cross

The situation in Syria now "amounts to an international armed conflict" after U.S. missile strikes on a Syrian air ...

UN Global Pulse and Western Digital announce ‘Data for Climate Action’ challenge now open for entries

- Global Pulse, the United Nations innovation initiative on big data, and Western Digital ...

PAN needs time to choose Ahok or Anies

The National Mandate Party (PAN) said it has yet to decide who to vote for among the two pairs of candidates to ...

Gerindra offers coalition to Democratic Party in Jakarta election run-off

The Gerindra Party, which nominated the Anies Baswedan-Sandiaga Uno candidate pair in the Jakarta Gubernatorial ...

Ahok calls on supporters to remain solid

Incumbent governor of Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) has called on all supporters to remain solid following the ...

Supporters chanting "Agus for president"

A number of supporters of Jakarta gubernatorial election candidate Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono chanted "Agus for ...

Australian leader faces long-term risk after "Donald Thump" call on refugees

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull might receive a short-term boost after his infamous phone call with U.S. ...

Trump admin makes defeating Islamic terrorism top foreign policy goal

The Trump administration will make defeating "radical Islamic terror groups" its top foreign policy goal, according to ...

Iraqi forces close in on Tigris in ISIS stronghold Mosul

Iraqi special forces closed in on the Tigris river that runs through central Mosul on Saturday (Jan. 7), advancing in ...

Gunman kills 39 in Istanbul nightclub attack, manhunt under way

A gunman opened fire on New Year revellers at a packed nightclub on the shores of Istanbuls Bosphorus waterway on ...

DPR has not put discussion on revision of MD3 law in agenda

The House of Representatives (DPR) has not put in its agenda a plan to revise the law on the Peoples Consultative ...

Twin bombing outside Istanbul soccer stadium kills 15, wound dozens

Two explosions, one thought to have been a suicide bomb, killed at least 15 people outside a soccer stadium in ...

Senior Al Qaida leader killed in U.S. airstrike in Syiria: Pentagon

The U.S. Ministry of Defense on Tuesday confirmed that a senior al Qaeda leader was killed in a U.S. air strike near ...

Megawati to seek meetings with other party leaders

The chief of Indonesias biggest political party, Megawati Soekarnoputri, plans to meet with other political party ...