#the coalition

Collection of the coalition news, found 1.285 news.

Golkar not to question Jokowi`s nomination of non-political party running mate

The Golkar Party will not question incumbent President Joko Widodo (Jokowi`s) decision to pick up a non-political ...

Jokowi has name of candidate for running mate

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) disclosed here on Saturday that he already has the name of the candidate who would be ...

Indonesian regional elections 2018 peaceful, transparent: Kalla

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla stated that the implementation of the simultaneous elections in 171 regions in ...

News focus - Indonesia to hold local elections simultaneously in 171 regions

People in 17 provinces, 39 cities, and 115 districts in Indonesia are scheduled to elect new governors and vice ...

Intercepted missiles in Riyadh rattle Indonesian Embassy`s glass building

Four ballistic missiles fired at Saudi Arabia`s capital Riyadh, June 24, at about 8:40 p.m. local time, exploded ...

Human rights panel asks govt to ratify tobacco control convention

The National Commission on Human Rights continues to encourage the government to immediately ratify the Framework ...

Jokowi supported by strong coalition: Hartarto

General Chairman of Golkar Party Airlangga Hartarto stated that the party`s coalition supporting Joko Widodo (Jokowi) ...

Golkar firmly supports Hartarto as vice presidential candidate

The Golkar Party has adopted a firm stance to support its general chairman Airlangga Hartarto as the vice presidential ...

Anwar Ibrahim comes to Jakarta at Habibie`s invitation

The arrival of Anwar Ibrahim who is the chairman of the People`s Justice Party (PKR) and Alliance of Hope (Pakatan ...

Malaysia`s ex-PM Najib rails at police, wife warns of "public trial"

Malaysia`s scandal-hit former leader Najib Razak and his wife hit out at the media and police on Saturday, after ...

Indonesia urges UN to probe Gaza slaughter by Israeli forces

In less than 24 hours on May 14, 2018, 62 Palestinians were killed and more than 2,000 were injured by Israeli forces, ...

US Embassy built on Palestinians` blood

Donald Trump fulfilled a lust which he declared on December 6, 2017 to move the United States Embassy from Tel Aviv to ...

Malaysian police raid apartments linked to ousted PM Najib`s family

Police on Saturday raided a deluxe Kuala Lumpur apartment block at which relatives of ousted Prime Minister Najib ...

Workers urge government to lift 2015 regulation on labor wages

Laborers of 35 alliances grouped in the "Labor Movement for the People" have urged the government to lift ...

Optimizing West Papua`s abundant natural resources

The Indonesian province of West Papua is known for its agriculture, mining, forestry products, and tourism that should ...