The Indonesian government is waiting for clarification from Malaysian authorities regarding the death of three migrant ...
Three bodies have been evacuated from floods in Bolapapu village, Sigi district, Central Sulawesi province on Sunday, ...
A search and rescue team has found the bodies of three people who had been in the Cessna 172 PK plane that crashed in ...
Police are still processing the cases of five Papuans charged with attacking the legitimate government at the 3rd ...
Gun and bomb attacks in Iraq`s restive Diyala province to the north of Baghdad killed five people -- three soldiers ...
High levels of carbon monoxide have forced rescuers to suspend their efforts to save 19 coal miners trapped in a ...
Libyan officials said around seven civilians were killed in a NATO air strike in eastern Tripoli in the early hours of ...
A team from Jakarta will be sent to Sleman, Yogyakarta, to identify three bodies of suspected terrorists who were shot ...
The bodies of three of the 27 people who had been on the Merpati Nusantara Airlines M160 aircraft that crashed on ...
Search and Rescue (SAR) team found three passengers of a ferryboat which sank in Bengawan Solo river in Padang ...
A high-ranking African Union delegation arrived in Libya on Sunday to try to negotiate a truce between Moamer ...
NATO launched air strikes against Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi`s troops in Misrata on Sunday after regime forces ...
The death toll of south Yemen clashes between anti-regime demonstrators and police has risen to three, with at least ...
Three people were killed in a collision between Mutiara Selatan and Kutojaya Selatan trains in Kota Banjar railway, ...