#three bodies

Collection of three bodies news, found 74 news.

KNKT starts investigation on Tuban ships collision

The National Transportation Safety Commission (KNKT) on Monday has begun its investigation on a ship crash in Java Sea ...

Rescuers recover 54 bodies of boat accident in Batam

The joint rescue team on Friday recovered the bodies of 54 passengers of a boat which sank on Batam waters of Riau ...

Death toll of Garut flash flood up to 30

Three more bodies were found on Friday, bringing to 30 the death toll from the flash flood that affected West Javas ...

Garut floods lead to three deaths

Floods hit Garut District, West Java Province, and killed at least three, a police officer said. The three bodies ...

Banjarnegara landslides claim six lives

Landslides claimed six lives in two areas in Gumelem Kulon Village, Banjarnegara District, Central Java Provinces, on ...

Landslide in West Papua claims three lives

A joint evacuation team has found the bodies of three people who lost their lives due to a landslide that hit Arfak ...

Bodies of three Filipinos repatriated from Batam

Three bodies of passengers of MV Thorco Cloud, which sank in the waters between Batam and Singapore on December 16, ...

Indonesian pilgrims` death toll in Mina stampede rises to 103

Three more bodies of Indonesian Hajj pilgrims killed in the Mina stampede were identified, thereby bringing the death ...

Three more bodies of AirAsia victims brought to Surabaya hospital

Three more bodies of victims of AirAsia flight QZ8501 were brought to Bhayangkara Regional Police Hospital in ...

Three bodies of AirAsia crash victims flown to Surabaya

Three more bodies of AirAsia flight QZ8501 victims were flown to Juanda International Airport, Surabaya, East Java, by ...

Bodies of three more AirAsia victims found

The search and rescue team, on Friday morning, found the bodies of three more victims of the AirAsia QZ8501 flight, ...

Thirteen bodies of Oryong 501`s Indonesian crew to be repatriated

The bodies of 13 Indonesian crew of the Oryong 501 ship will be repatriated from Busan, South Korea, to Indonesia on ...

31 bodies of AirAsia crash victims recovered

At least 31 bodies of AirAsia crash victims have been recovered and evacuated so far, according to Head of the ...

Three bodies of AirAsia QZ8501`s victims spotted floating in Karimata Strait

Major Setiawan, a pilot of the Indonesian Air Forces CN 295 aircraft spotted three bodies of AirAsia flight QZ8501s ...

DVI identifies three more bodies of AirAsia QZ8501 victims

Three more bodies of AirAsia flight QZ8501 crash victims have been identified. The East Java Disaster Victim ...