#three bodies

Collection of three bodies news, found 74 news.

SAR agency chief confirms debris belongs to missing aircraft

Chief of National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) F.H. Bambang Soelistyo said the debris found at Karimata Strait ...

Bad weather impedes evacuation process of AirAsia QZ8501

Bad weather and high waves impeded the search and rescue operation, and evacuation process of the missing AirAsia ...

President Joko Widodo leaves Jakarta for Pangkalan Bun

President Joko Widodo left Jakarta for Pangkalan Bun, Central Kalimantan Province, and Surabaya, East Java Province, ...

Missing AirAsia Airplane's Debris and Bodies Spotted in Karimata Strait

Chief of National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) F.H. Bambang Soelistyo confirmed on Tuesday that bodies and ...

Indonesia supports ceasefire between Israel and Hamas

Indonesia has expressed support for Israel and Hamas to conduct a ceasefire for the interest of innocent people. ...

10 more bodies found while searching sunken S. Korean ferry

Ten more bodies have been found Sunday while divers were conducting search operations for the ferry, which capsized ...

12 bodies found from the jombang landslide - (d)

A search team has discovered 12 dead bodies from the landslides in Ngrimbi village Jombang, East Java. ...

Rescue workers still looking for six people buried in landslides

Rescue workers of the National Disaster Control Agency (BNPB) said they were still looking for bodies of six people ...

One Indonesian citizen confirmed shot dead in Malaysia: FM

Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa said that only one Indonesian citizen was confirmed shot dead by the ...

Ship carrying illegal immigrants capsized near Christmas islands

A ship carrying more than one hundred illegal immigrants has capsized in the waters between Indonesia and Australia`s ...

Nearly 100 still missing in boat capsize near Australia

Nearly 100 suspected asylum seekers are still missing a day after a boat capsized about 200 km north of ...

Slain migrant workers not forgotten on May Day

The three Indonesian migrant workers who died after being shot in their heads and chests by five Malaysian policemen ...

Marty calls NTB governor on workers` deaths in Malaysia

Foreign Affairs Minister Marty Natalegawa called West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Governor TGH M Zainul Majdi regarding the ...

Organs of three killed migrant workers remain intact

A forensic expert on Friday assured the organs of two Indonesian migrant workers shot dead in Malaysia recently ...

Probe into migrant workers` deaths in Malaysia badly needed

The peculiarity surrounding the recent death of three Indonesian migrant workers in Malaysia has become the ...