According to information given by the survivors, there were 95 passengers in total and six passengers were still missing."Batam (ANTARA News) - The joint rescue team on Friday recovered the bodies of 54 passengers of a boat which sank on Batam waters of Riau Province on Wednesday while transporting Indonesian migrant workers.
"Thirty-three bodies were recovered during the search operations till 11:00 am on Friday. A total of 54 bodies have been found since Wednesday," Chief of Riau Islands Police Office Brigadier General Sam Budigusdian said here on Friday.
The 33 bodies found on Friday included 29 men, three women and a girl child.
Meanwhile, the search on November 2 managed to recover 18 bodies, which included seven men, 10 women and a seven-month old female infant.
On November 3, the team found three bodies.
As many as 12 bodies out of the 54 have been identified in Bhayangkara Police Hospital of Riau Islands.
The joint Search and Rescue Team had managed to evacuate 41 survivors, comprising 39 migrant workers and two ship crew members, from the boat accident.
"According to information given by the survivors, there were 95 passengers in total and six passengers were still missing," Budigusdian said.
The boat transporting illegal Indonesian migrant workers capsized and sank after being hit by a big wave on Batam waters at dawn of Wednesday.
(Reporting by Larno/Uu.A059/INE/KR-BSR/F001)
Editor: Priyambodo RH
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