
Collection of togetherness news, found 411 news.

Indonesian brotherhood in Brisbane glood

Several hundred Indonesians, tens of thousands of Australians and a number of other foreign nationals in Brisbane and ...

Indonesian chairmanship`s role and ASEAN agenda

Since it was funded by the Association of Southast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Indonesia has played an important role for ...

Jazz to express togetherness of Javanese people in Ngayogjazz 2011

Annual music performance Ngayogjazz will be held on Saturday (Jan 15) rising a theme expressing the togetherness of ...

SBY says govt tells the facts

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said that the explanation that the government gave to the people was made based ...

Yogyakarta, old society striving in a new state

Sultan Hamengkubuwono X on Tuesday declared Yogyakarta as "City of the Republic" to mark the 65th anniversary of the ...

Sultan declares Yogyakarta "City of the Republic"

Sultan Hamengkubuwono X declared Yogyakarta as "City of the Republic" here on Tuesday to mark the 65th anniversary of ...