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G20 Indonesia

G20 DWG meeting outcome finalized, stresses multilateralism

The 3rd G20 Development Working Group (DWG) Meeting ended in Bali on Friday, with delegates stressing the significance ...

Jakarta expedites livestock vaccinations to stamp out FMD

The Jakarta provincial government has expedited efforts to vaccinate livestock against foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in ...

Yogyakarta's COVID hospital BOR still at 10--11%: official

The bed occupancy rate (BOR) at COVID-19 hospitals in Yogyakarta city is currently still around 10–11 percent ...

1,284,650 heads of cattle vaccinated against FMD

As many as 1,284,650 heads of cattle have been vaccinated against the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), according to data ...

Optimizing PeduliLindungi application for COVID-19 tracing

Indonesia is one of the countries in the world that has developed and launched technology to support the tracing of ...

Number of COVID booster recipients reaches 57.98 mln: task force

 With 235,045 Indonesians receiving the booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on Thursday, the total number of ...

Over 1.2 million cows vaccinated against FMD: task force

A total of 1,202,282 cows have received the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) vaccine as of Wednesday noon, the FMD handling ...

Safe to consume meat, FMD task force tells citizens

The foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) task force has asked Indonesians to not hesitate to consume meat since the disease ...

Expect zero new FMD cases by 2022-end: task force

The foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) handling task force has said that it expects the number of new FMD cases nationwide to ...

Gov't should optimize health services to overcome dengue fever: DPR

The Indonesian House of Representatives' (DPR's) Deputy Chairman, Muhaimin Iskandar, called on the government ...

Jakarta expedites booster vaccination to avoid COVID-19 red zones

The Jakarta provincial government has expedited booster vaccination as an effort to suppress COVID-19 transmission ...

Government guarantees safety of FMD vaccine for livestock

The government, through the Ministry of Agriculture, ensured that the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) vaccine is safe for ...

Jakarta records most daily COVID-19 with 1,824 cases

 Jakarta recorded most daily confirmed positive COVID-19 cases, amounting to 1,824 as of  Sunday, 12.00 pm ...

Indonesia among best countries for pandemic handling

Indonesia is one of the best countries in terms of handling the COVID-19 pandemic, Coordinating Minister for Economic ...

Indonesia monitoring monkeypox outbreak

The Indonesian government is continuously monitoring the development of monkeypox that has spread to several countries, ...