
Collection of trash news, found 240 news.

Jakarta's river troops remove 436 cubic meters of garbage

The Jakarta Water Department's river troops on Monday removed 436 cubic meters of garbage from the Manggarai sluice ...

Floods swamp West Kalimantan's villages near land border with Malaysia

Flash floods inundated certain areas of the villages of Lamolda and Sekinyak near the Indonesia-Malaysia land border in ...

Jakarta deploys thousands of river troops to clear trash

The Jakarta provincial administration has deployed around five thousand members of the trash task force, including ...

Govt to renegotiate 35,000 MW power plant project

The Indonesian government is preparing to renegotiate a 35 thousand-megawatt, or 35 Gigawatt, power plant project which ...

TNI sailors partake in Kuta Beach's coastal clean-up drive

Sailors from the Denpasar Naval Base on Friday partook in the efforts to conduct a coastal clean-up drive on the ...

Bali's Kuta Beach cleared of 30 tons of marine litter

Residents of Badung, Bali, began the first day of 2021 on Friday by conducting a coastal clean-up drive in the Kuta ...

PLN: Need 8 mln tons of trash to operate plants

State electricity company PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) said it will need at least 8 million tons of waste per ...

Jakarta Office collects 398-ton garbage left behind in mass rallies

The Jakarta Sanitary and Environment Office collected 398 tons of garbage generated during mass rallies held to vent ...

Flash floods inundate several hundred houses in West Java's Cianjur

Flash floods submerged hundreds of houses in the southern part of Cianjur District, West Java, on Saturday, compelling ...

News Feature

Good Morning Rinjani!

The picturesque landscape that greets mountaineers as they opened their tents, struck by the strong winds battering all ...

Lake Toba development continues despite pandemic: Luhut Pandjaitan

Coordinating Maritime Affairs and Investment Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan has made assurance that development of ...

Five giant leatherbacks lay eggs on Raja Ampat's Warebar Beach

- lay their eggs in several of the country's coastal areas. The WWF Indonesia further noted that the Indonesian ...

New normal rules to hasten tourism recovery: task force

The implementation of standard procedures for a new normal in public facilities will help the tourism and creative ...

Indonesia launches radical action plan to curtail plastic waste

Indonesia launched a plan of action to radically reduce plastic waste to fulfill its ambitious target of reducing ocean ...

BMKG confirms detection of 24 hotspots of wildfires in Aceh

Some 24 hotspots were detected in Aceh Province and had the potential to cause forest fires, according to the ...