
Collection of treating news, found 556 news.

Seunicah Oen, popular vegetable salad from Aceh, sold during Ramadhan

Rujak, or a salad with a spicy brown sugar sauce, is a common dessert in all parts of Indonesia, with several regions ...

News Focus

Indonesia aims for self-reliance in medical devices, products

The novel coronavirus disease, or COVID-19, has infected 17,025 Indonesians so far, with the number of dead reaching ...

RAISA assists medical personnel in COVID-19 treatment

Research and Technology Minister Bambang P. S. Brodjonegoro lauded the development of a medical assistant robot named ...

Smiths Medical acquires the business of Access Scientific, LLC, expanding vascular access offering

- Smiths Medical, a leading global medical device manufacturer, announces today the acquisition of the business of ...

COVID-19 Task Force receives Rp2.06 trillion for outbreak control

The Indonesian government distributed Rp2.06 trillion of the budget totaling Rp3.14 trillion to the COVID-19 Task Force ...

Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital treats 23 new COVID-19 inpatients

The Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital in Kemayoran on Saturday morning treated a total of 662 inpatients, rising from 23 ...

E Kalimantan's 12 health workers suspected to have contracted COVID-19

A total of 12 health workers in North Penajam Paser District, East Kalimantan Province, are suspected to have been ...

News Focus

Preventing dengue, malaria to avoid double health burden amid corona

As Indonesia battles the novel coronavirus disease, another health threat looms for the tropical nation with the change ...

News Focus

Indonesia channels spirit of 'gotong royong' in COVID-19 battle

Since it first emerged in Wuhan, China, in late 2019, the coronavirus disease has spread to 211 countries and ...

Driven by peers' efforts, nutritionist turns COVID-19 volunteer

Nutritionist Lidya Sembiring channeled her grief positively by turning COVID-19 volunteer at the Athlete's Village ...

COVID-19 Task Force seeks more medical volunteers

The Task Force for Acceleration of COVID-19 Handling is falling short of medical volunteers, according to the task ...

Jakarta Emergency Hospital records drop in number of COVID-19 patients

The number of patients receiving treatment at the Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital in Kemayoran, here, handling COVID-19 ...

Indonesia readies 10,000 hospital beds for treating COVID-19 patients

Indonesia has readied 10 thousand beds at one thousand hospitals for patients, who contracted coronavirus nationwide in ...

SOEs Ministry dismisses hoax on taking legal measure on aspersion

The State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Ministry appealed to the public to not believe in false information circulating that ...

Jakarta's Wisma Atlet treating 723 COVID-19 confirmed patients

The Wisma Atlet Emergency Hospital in Kemayoran, Jakarta, is currently treating 837 patients, of which 723 have tested ...