#united nations interim force in lebanon

Collection of united nations interim force in lebanon news, found 53 news.

Indonesian mily police task force in Lebanon gets appreciation

Some 75 soldiers grouped in the Military Police Unit of Eastern Sector of the Garuda Contingent XXV-D/United Nations ...

KRI Hasanuddin-366 on peace mission to Lebanon

The Indonesian warship KRI Hasanuddin-366 will be on a mission to Lebanon waters for six months as Maritime Task Force ...

Lebanese navy seizes ship trying to smuggle arms to Syria

The Lebanese Navy, incoordination with the maritime force of United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), seized ...

TNI assigns six officers to join UN monitoring team in Syria

The National Defense Forces (TNI) is to send six of its officers to join the UN team to monitor the implementation of ...

G-5 staff of Unifil visits POM task force

Operational Staff for Training (G-5) of AOR (Area Of Responsibility) of the Eastern Sector of UNIFIL (United Nations ...

UN to add more women to its peacekeeping missions

Visiting UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has committed himself to encouraging the participation of women in UN ...

Ban Ki-moon presents blue helmet to Yudhoyono

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon presented a blue helmet to President Susilo Yudhoyono as a symbol of ...

Ban Ki-moon to discuss RI`s peacekeeping troops with Yudhoyono

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon will hold talks with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on UN ties with Indonesia, ...

Israel to construct barrier on Lebanese border

Israel plans to build a wall that would separate its northernmost town from a Lebanese village in a bid to quell ...

RI gearing up for bigger role in UN peacekeeping missions

Indonesia which has been participating in UN peacekeeping missions since 1957, is now seeking a bigger role and ...

Mily contingent GarudaXXIII-F arrives in Lebanon

The second batch of the Indonesian military contingent Garuda XXIII-F`s mechanical battalion task force arrived in ...

Indonesia`s team emerges champion in shooting competition in Lebanon

The Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) grouped in the country`s Garuda contingent-23-E/UNIFIL (United Nations Interim ...

President Yudhoyono chairs plenary cabinet meeting

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono chaired a plenary cabinet meeting here on Tuesday to discuss a number of issues. ...

KRI Iskandar Muda off to Lebanon

Indonesian warship KRI Sultan Iskandar Muda left for Lebanon on Tuesday to join the Marine Task Force of the United ...

Indonesian milly familiarizes UN peace missioniIn Lebanon

Indonesian military (TNI) is familiarizing the tasks of the UN peace mission in Lebanon under UN Security Council ...