The central bank`s decision to lower the BI Rate to 5.75 percent triggered a weakening of the Rupiah exchange rate to ...
RI Ambassador to the Europe Union (EU), Arif Havas Oegroseno, and President of EU Parliament Martin Schulz recently ...
Indonesia is among a number of developing countries that have been able to withstand the global crisis due to their ...
State airline company PT Garuda Indonesia (Garuda) has announced an unaudited income of Rp 19.5 trillion in 2011, a 39 ...
The government sold US dollar-denominated state bonds worth US$1.75 billion early this week to help offset a deficit ...
Indonesia`s macro economic conditions which were recently awarded the investment grade status have been viewed to be ...
East Nusatenggara (NTT) fishermen who lost their livelihoods by the Montara oil spill in 2009 are still waiting for ...
Bank Indonesia expects the rupiah exchange rate to be at an average of Rp9000 against the US dollar next year, which ...
The world`s economic slowdown is estimated to begin affecting Indonesia`s economic growth in 2012 which is projected ...
Indonesia`s foreign exchange reserves in the year ended on November 30 fell to US$111.32 billion from US$113.96 ...
Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo said on Tuesday he was not worried about the country`s US dollar-denominated ...
Bank Indonesia (BI/the central bank) said capital outflow from one country to another was a normal thing because all ...
A top Bank Indonesia (BI or central bank) official has welcomed the agreement reached by six advanced country ...
Bank Indonesia (BI) Governor Darmin Nasution said the impact of the European economic crisis on Indonesia was ...
Bank Indonesia (the central bank/BI) said the rupiah had weakened against the US dollar since September 2011. ...