
Collection of vaccine news, found 4.175 news.

Fighting radical and terroristic views through national consensus

With technology developing even further with each passing year, more people are using social media, and the threats of ...

Government guarantees safety of FMD vaccine for livestock

The government, through the Ministry of Agriculture, ensured that the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) vaccine is safe for ...

COVID-19: 57.4 million Indonesians have received first booster shot

A total of 57.4 million Indonesians have received a first booster or the third vaccine dose against COVID-19 infections ...

MPR seeks stronger protections for children amid rising COVID cases

The current increase in COVID-19 cases must be responded to with high-level vigilance by strengthening the protection ...

News Focus

Second booster a national mission to protect health workers

On July 31, 2022, people on the COVID-19 Report platform stated that 2,087 health workers in Indonesia had died in the ...

News Focus

Indonesia intensifies vigilance against monkeypox

Amid the global fight against COVID-19, which was first detected in China in late 2019, nearly 80 countries have ...

Some 56.8 million Indonesians administered COVID-19 booster shots

As many as 56.8 million Indonesians have received COVID-19 booster vaccinations as of Thursday (August 4) at 12:00 WIB, ...

COVID-19 task force asks five provinces to strengthen protocols

The COVID-19 Handling Task Force has urged the governments of five provinces that have recorded the most additional ...

Support efforts to raise booster vaccination coverage, citizens urged

Taking note of the recent increase in COVID-19 cases, the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture has ...

Domestic COVID vaccine to soon complete final clinical trial phase

The state-owned enterprises (SOEs) vaccine against COVID-19, developed by state-owned pharmaceutical company PT Bio ...

FMD spread under control in past three weeks: task force

The spread of the foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in Indonesia has remained under control in the past three weeks, ...

SOE-produced COVID-19 vaccine is proof of national independence: MPR

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Deputy Chief Lestari Moerdijat stated that the SOE-produced COVID-19 vaccine ...

Task force ensures Indonesia can control FMD outbreak properly

Indonesia is capable of addressing and controlling the ongoing foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) outbreak and is exerting ...

Oropharynx sample of monkeypox suspect tests negative: Ministry

Laboratory test on the oropharynx sample of a monkeypox suspect in Central Java showed a negative result, Health ...

MPR urges govt to disseminate information on domestic vaccine

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) chairperson Bambang Soesatyo has urged the government to intensively ...