#vice governor

Collection of vice governor news, found 297 news.

Vice President inaugurates Pelangi Antapani Overpass

Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla inaugurated the Pelangi Antapani Overpass located in downtown Bandung, here, Tuesday. ...

Three names proposed for air force chief of staff post

Indonesian Military (TNI) Chief General Gatot Nurmantyo has proposed three names to President Joko Widodo as the ...

Winning Jakarta election means winning Indonesia: Prabowo

A party leader said here on Sunday that winning the Jakarta gubernatorial election would mean winning Indonesia. ...

Police question husband of Sylviana Murni over suspicious fund flow

Police has summoned Gde Sardjana, husband of Jakarta vice governor candidate Sylviana Murni as a witness in the ...

Kids` "Om Telolet Om" goes viral

The Indonesian meme "Om Telolet Om" has unexpectedly gone viral on social media, becoming a trending topic on Twitter, ...

Lawmaker hopes that all accept the charge against Ahok

Chairman of the Commission III of the House of Representatives Bambang Soesatyo said he hoped all parties would ...

Governor candidate Ahok cancels visit to Kedoya Utara

Candidate for Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok as he is also called, canceled his planned visit to ...

Indonesia ready to help PNG reopen flights to Papua

Indonesian delegation chairman Klemen Tinal said the government was ready to assist Papua New Guinea (PNG) if its ...

No order to shoot to disperse demonstrators: Jakarta police chief

Jakarta Police Chief Ins.Gen. M Iriawan denied any order to use fire arms to deal with big rally planned by a number ...

Declaration of peace marks Jakarta gubernatorial election campaign

The implementation of gubernatorial election in Jakarta has been considered as a barometer of other regional head ...

Jakarta gubernatorial candidates assure peaceful campaigns

The three pairs of Jakartas gubernatorial candidates for the regional head election 2017, have declared their ...

Jakarta gubernatorial election represents miniature of Indonesian democracy

The Jakarta gubernatorial election (pilkada) is a miniature of the implementation of democracy in Indonesia, according ...

Three pairs of Jakarta gubernatorial candidates sign peace declaration inscription

Three pairs of Jakarta gubernatorial candidates have signed an inscription of peace declaration to symbolize their ...

Indonesia BNN ready to shoot to kill drug dealers

Head of the Indonesia National Anti Drug Agency (BNN) Com. Gen. Budi Waseso (Buwas) said the agency is ready to shoot ...

Jakarta police, military establish synergy to secure gubernatorial elections

The Jakarta Metro Jaya Police and Kodam Jaya Military Command will work in coordination with each other to ensure ...