#vice governor

Collection of vice governor news, found 297 news.

Jokowi, Ahok are allies: Dino Djalal

Presidential aspirant from the ruling Democrat Party Dino Patti Djalal said Jokowi and Ahok are allies as agents of ...

Xiamen Celebrates 100th Anniversary of Jimei School Village Founded by Tan Kah-Kee

- On October 21, a commemoration meeting was grandly held in Xiamen to mark the 100th anniversary of Jimei School ...

Jakarta to build shelter for street children, victims of violence

The Jakarta Provincial Government plans to build shelters for street children and victims of violence in 2014, said ...

Automotive industry is backbone of industrialization

Vice President Boediono said the automotive industry would be the backbone of industrialization in Indonesia because ...

Jakarta to impose curfew on students

The Jakarta provincial government is gearing up to impose a special curfew on students across the capital to prevent ...

Supervisory body find thousands of violations in Riau local election

The Election Suprvisory Body (Bawaslu) of the Riau Province has indicated thousands of rule violations have happened ...

Medan`s Polonia airport will soon be history

Built and operated for some 70 years, the Polonia International Airport on the outskirt of Medan city, North Sumatra, ...

Gita Surosowan marching band off to Netherlands

The Gita Surosowan (MBGS) Marching Band from Banten province will leave for the Netherlands soon to represent ...

Aceh quake evacuees reach 52 thousand

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has recorded the number of evacuees from the magnitude 6.2 earthquake ...

Riau ends haze emergency response

Riau Province has ended forest fire and haze emergency response and is currently entering a transitional period for ...

Court rejects lawsuit over a local election

The Constitutional Court (MK) rejected the lawsuit over a West Java regional head election dispute filed by governor ...

Jokowi raises electability of Rieke-Teten: Survey

The participation of populist governor of Jakarta, Joko Widodo (Jokowi), in the campaign of Rieke Diah Pitaloka and ...

World`s largest crocodile dies in s. Philippines

A giant saltwater crocodile, the longest on earth, has died while in captivity in southern Philippines. The ...

VP reminds regional administrations to provide clean water for public

Vice President Boediono has reminded district and city administrations to provide clean water as basic necessity for ...

Singapore ready to help Jakarta build MRT

Singapore is ready to help the Jakarta administration develop a mass rapid transport system, according to Singaporean ...