At least 10 people have been killed, seven of them struck by lightning, during several days of storms and heavy rain ...
A whirlwind struck Binjai and Selesai sub districts, Langkat District, North Sumatra Province, Friday evening, and ...
Tens of houses and public facilities were damaged when a whirlwind hit Klumpang village, Hamparan Perak sub district, ...
A landslide isolated around 600 families at Mojo and Salam areas, Nglebo village, Suruh sub district, Trenggalek ...
A whirlwind accompanied by heavy rain swept through Nglambangan village in Madiun district, East Java, and damaged at ...
A whirlwind damaged hundreds of houses and injured two residents in Kalukku sub district, Mamuju District, West ...
A whirlwind that hit Borobudur Temple in Magelang district, Central Java, on Saturday, did not discourage foreign and ...
Floods inundated 475 houses in three villages of Gerokgak subdistrict, Buleleng district, Bali province, from Tuesday ...
A whirlwind and heavy rain hit Cicadas subdistrict, Cianjur district, West Java, causing serious damage to two houses ...
A strong whirlwind struck Mulyadadi and Pahonjean villages, Majenang subdistrict, Cilacap regency in Central Java on ...
Five houses were damaged and tens of trees toppled by a strong whirlwind in Menthuk village, Mojosongo subdistrict, ...
A whirlwind destroyed two houses and damaged 18 others in Cinta Puri village, Simpang Empat subdistrict, Banjar ...
Rainfall in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) province is predicted to remain high over the next few days. Local ...
Several parts of Indonesia have experienced the impact of tropical cyclone Vince, although it is predicted to last ...
Tropical cyclone Vince has hit East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) but it was predicted to last a week starting January 12, and ...