A married couple of Pertiwi Housing Complex in Kedung Halak Lebak, Cilebut Timur, Sukaraja subdistrict, Bogor ...
The world`s oldest woman died Monday in her Texas home at the age of 115, her caretaker said. Eunice Sanborn held ...
At least one person was killed and three others injured in northern Venezuela on Sunday when a series of powerful ...
Egyptians on Saturday buried their dead from clashes with police, vowing to continue their revolt until they topple ...
An ethnic Russian member of a North Caucasus militant group has emerged as the first suspect in the suicide bombing of ...
A nursing home in the northern city of Venice sacked a 50-year-old woman carer for "taking too much time off" after ...
A woman threw herself Monday from a restaurant on the 23rd-floor of a Buenos Aires hotel, only to miraculously survive ...
Saudi Arabia suppresses or fails to protect the rights of millions of women, foreign workers and Shiites, and reforms ...
The Jakarta police are intensifying their monitoring of prostitution services on the Internet. "The police are ...
Fighting between the Yemeni army and militants in the southern town of Habilayn killed a woman and injured 11 people, ...
Rescue workers struggled on Thursday to reach areas cut off by floods and landslides that have killed at least 356 ...
The waters in Lampung are potential to be developed into an international tourism object which is recognized by ...
The corner looked empty. "There`s an old woman standing there, wearing an old blue dress, and she has curly hair," ...
Manado, North Sulawesi, is to host an Asia-Pacific Female Officials Congress and an Indonesian Women Legislators ...
A Saudi court in Medina has sentenced a woman to three years in prison for stabbing, beating and burning her ...