
Collection of ylki news, found 63 news.

Government should popularize plan to drop power subsidy: YLKI

The government needs to garner support for its plan to abolish the electricity subsidy for household customers with ...

Tax amnesty breakthrough or step backward?

Observers are split over the tax amnesty bill proposed by the government. Some said it is a breakthrough, but ...

Don`t Buy Properties on Jakarta Bay Reclamation Area: Consumers Legal Aid

The Indonesian Consumers Legal Aid Foundation (YLKI) has urged the public not to buy properties in controversial ...

Low price offers momentum to build fuel stocks: Consumers Institute

The current low fuel oil prices offer a good momentum for the government to build its oil reserves, according to the ...

Idea to stop Premium sale in Jakarta needs discussions

The idea of Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) to stop the sale of Premium gasoline in Jakarta has ...

"Ojek" service may continue to operate on temporary basis

Indonesias Transportation Minister Ignasius Jonan on Friday allowed the online motorcycle taxi service (ojek) to ...

Ban on ojek service comes too late: Consumer institute

The ban on the operations of the online motorcycle taxi service (ojek) by Transportation Minister Ignasius Jonan comes ...

Government to impose tax on toll road fares

The government will impose a 10 percent value-added tax (VAT) on toll road fares, effective April 1, 2015, noted a tax ...

Commodity prices spike following fuel hikes

The prices of basic commodities in traditional markets across several areas of Indonesia shot up after Joko Widodos ...

people called on to be careful in purchasing cadbury chocolates - (d)

North Sumatras Indonesian Consumers Institute Foundation (YLK) called on consumers to be careful in buying Cadbury ...

Consumers agency calls for heavy sanctions against cheater fuel stations

Oil and gas company PT Pertamina should take sanctions against fuel stations which sell subsidized automotive diesel ...

Restriction on subsidized diesel oil use takes its toll

Diesel oil has become scarce in several parts of the country over the past few weeks, with public transportation ...

YLKI asks consumers to check it before buying shoes

The Indonesian Consumers Institute Foundation (YLKI) has called on consumers to check first shoes before they decide ...

Two tourists drown, 2 missing at Palabuhanratu beach

Two local tourists have died and two others are missing, and are expected to have drowned at sea while visiting the ...

RI's govt called on to supervise fuel speculative buying

The Indonesian Consumer Institute (YLKI) for West Sumatra called on the regional government to keep watch on ...