#zero tolerance

Collection of zero tolerance news, found 102 news.

President calls for shift from arms purchase to investment

President Joko Widodo has called for changing the pattern and opting for defense investment rather than spending on ...

Nondiscriminatory fight launched against illegal fishing activities in Indonesian waters

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Minister Susi Pudjiastuti has been consistent and courageous in her approach to fight ...

Indonesia Hightens Zero-Tolerance Stance on Drugs

Drug abuse, which is spiraling out control, has put Indonesia in a state of emergency, the Indonesian government has ...

RI affirms zero tolerance in combating drug syndicates

Indonesia has underscored the importance of zero tolerance policy to deal with drug dealers and syndicates as part of ...

Deadly accident prompts calls for better transportation services

The commuter train-Metromini bus collision at North Jakartas Muara Angke railway crossing that killed 17 people, ...

Governor to disallow public vehicles deemed unfit for road operations

Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) voiced his intentions to not permit public vehicles, including ...

KPK invites Hasto to report Samad case

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on Thursday called on acting secretary general of the ruling party PDIP ...

Pope to hold first meeting with sexual abuse victims

Pope Francis holds his first meeting with victims of sexual abuse by priests on Monday, an encounter that some say ...

Jokowi not to accommodate racial-based protests

Presidential candidate Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has voiced his zero-tolerance approach to racial-based protests of any ...

Zero tolerance against terror in Papua

Indonesia was shocked following a fatal shooting that killed a reporter and injured four passengers aboard a Twin ...

U.S. navy discharging 64 sailors for drug use

The U.S. Navy said on Thursday it was discharging 64 sailors, 49 of them from the aircraft carrier that buried Osama ...

Govt Urged Not to Tolerate Violence

The Government has been urged not to tolerate violence as it could trigger other violence."If the country tolerates ...