Nusa Dua, Bali (ANTARA) - Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi held a bilateral meeting with the 78th President of the United Nations General Assembly (SMU PBB) Dennis Francis on the sidelines of the 10th World Water Forum (WWF) in Bali.

According to the statement received in Nusa Dua, Bali, on Monday, Palestine was one of the issues that Marsudi and Francis discussed in their meeting on Sunday.

In this regard, Marsudi welcomed the ratification of UN General Assembly Resolution Number ES 10/23 that granted special rights as a full member to Palestine at the UN General Assembly on May 10.

The minister remarked that the resolution was an important step in the efforts to promote equal rights for Palestine among world countries.

However, Marsudi believes this resolution is not enough. The minister emphasized that the next step was to ensure the implementation of sustainable peace, the delivery of humanitarian aid without obstacles, and the granting of full membership status to Palestine in the UN.

Apart from that, Marsudi and Francis also discussed the issue of multilateralism and climate change.

Regarding multilateralism, Marsudi accentuated the need for the UN to strengthen its role as more than just an anchor of multilateralism. She also underscored Indonesia's commitment to continue supporting its realization.

Marsudi stated that Indonesia welcomed the planned Summit of the Future in September 2024 and hoped the meeting would provide concrete results, including encouraging multilateral architecture reform as well as accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Regarding climate change, Marsudi also highlighted Indonesia's commitment to collaborating on solving the issue of rising seas that have a major impact on small island countries.

Hence, the minister remarked that Indonesia supports the High-Level Meeting on the Sea Level Rise also to be held in September and expressed hope that the meeting would produce concrete results.

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Translator: Nabil Ihsan, Asri Mayang Sari
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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