Jakarta (ANTARA) - Defense Minister and President-elect Prabowo Subianto intends to echo Indonesia's readiness to help Palestinians at an emergency international conference on Gaza, scheduled to be held in Amman, Jordan, on June 11.

Speaking to journalists here, Friday, Subianto stated that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) urged him to represent Indonesia at the "Call for Action: Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza" Conference.

At the conference, co-organized by Jordan, Egypt, and the United Nations, Subianto said he would coordinate with the UN secretary general and regional leaders to enable Indonesia to follow up on its offer.

In responding to the extraordinary humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, he said President Jokowi has urged him to highlight Indonesia's readiness to send a significant number of personnel for the UN peacekeeping mission there.

Indonesia is also ready to deploy mobile medical units to the besieged Palestinian enclave by collaborating with its regional partners, especially the United Arab Emirates (UAE), he remarked.

In resolving the armed conflict in Gaza, Subianto stated that the Indonesian government remains consistent with its belief that the conflict must be solved through "ceasefire and negotiation."

"Indonesia firmly supports the Palestinian independence, a two-state solution, and all efforts to reach an immediate ceasefire," he emphasized.

Earlier, on Thursday, June 6, Subianto said President Jokowi had instructed him to deploy a team of medical workers and provide a field hospital to assist those in need of help in Gaza.

The United Arab Emirates has operated a hospital in the besieged enclave so that Indonesia could collaborate with the UAE in providing evacuation and healthcare services for locals, he stated.

Regarding the emergency conference on the urgent humanitarian response for Gaza, the Jordan Times recently reported that the event would be held at the King Hussein bin Talal Convention Centre located on the shores of the Dead Sea.

Attendees at the conference would comprise heads of state and government as well as heads of international humanitarian and relief organizations under the invitation of Jordan's King Abdullah, Egypt's President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, and UN Secretary-General António Guterres.

According to the Jordan Times, the conference aims to "identify ways to bolster the international community's response, outline effective measures and procedures, as well as operational and logistical needs for this purpose, and seek commitment for a collective coordinated response to address the humanitarian situation in Gaza."

Fresh armed conflict erupted between Palestine and Israel following a surprise attack by Hamas on Israel early in the morning of October 7, 2023.

Prior to the assault by Palestinian liberation fighters in Israel, the Israeli government continued its closure of Gaza crossings.

Palestine's news agency WAFA reported on September 25, 2023, that the Israeli closure of Gaza crossings had worsened the living conditions of Palestinians in Gaza.

According to WAFA, the Palestinians had already suffered from the severe impacts of "more than 17 years of tight Israeli land, sea, and air blockades."

Al Jazeera quoted Hamas, which governs Gaza, as stating that its assault on Israel was "a response to the desecration of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and increased settler violence."

In response to the unprecedented surprise attack, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared war on Hamas and, according to Al Jazeera, pledged that Israeli forces would "turn all Hamas hideouts into rubble."

Since the war began on Oct 7, 2023, the Israeli armed forces have killed at least 36,550 Palestinian civilians and injured some 82,959 others as of June 4, 2024, according to Al Jazeera.

Al Jazeera reported that many of those killed in Gaza are women and children. The Israeli aggression has also triggered a humanitarian catastrophe.

Related news: Jokowi orders field hospital in Gaza, Prabowo says
Related news: Indonesia's peacekeeping mission in Gaza hinges on UN mandate: FM
Related news: TNI ready to deploy troops for Gaza peace mission: spokesperson

Translator: Agatha OV, Rahmad Nasution
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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