Jakarta (ANTARA) - The government will continue to work optimally in the final months of President Joko Widodo's Onward Indonesia Cabinet's tenure in office and amid the ongoing leadership transition in the interest of the public.

"The government will not be disrupted as the end of the Cabinet tenure approaches. We will continue providing optimum services," Chief of the Presidential Staff Office (KSP) Moeldoko assured at the Presidential Palace here on Thursday.

Moeldoko conveyed the statement in response to queries regarding the constantly high public approval of the government's performance in the final months of President Widodo's term.

On perceptions that approval for the government comes mostly from lower-class residents who receive social assistance, the KSP chief said that the government is working tirelessly for the people.

As effective government policies benefit the people, it is reasonable that residents will appreciate the government, he added.

"In the final months of its tenure, the government is never slacking in providing services to the people. It is the key," Moeldoko said.

"Hence, there is no issue regarding public services, and residents appreciate (the government)," he added.

President Joko Widodo authorized the transition of leadership after the KPU declared Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka as the president- and vice-president-elect in April 2024.

He also reiterated his government's full support for a smooth leadership transition until the presidential inauguration ceremony on October 20.

Meanwhile, Prabowo said that he will focus on preparing for the leadership transition until his inauguration.

“While we are waiting for the handover of the presidential mandate on October 20, 2024, we will optimize the remaining time to earnestly prepare ourselves,” he informed on April 28.

The president-elect said that he will work with Gibran to study national issues and discuss solutions with experts to ensure his government can commence its duty to the nation promptly after the inauguration.

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Translator: Rangga Pandu AJ, Nabil Ihsan
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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