Jakarta (ANTARA) - Communication and Informatics Minister Budi Arie Setiadi called on all officials in his ministry to strive to eradicate online gambling in commemoration of the 79th anniversary of Indonesia's Independence Day.

He noted that one of the struggles in the current time is the challenges battled by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics to free Indonesians from negative content on the internet, including online gambling.

"Online gambling is a serious threat for the current and next generations," he remarked during the Independence Day ceremony at the office of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics in Jakarta on Saturday, according to a statement from the ministry.

The minister stressed that online gambling eradication efforts must be carried out firmly and consistently in every work unit of the ministry.

Through collaboration between the government, the community, and various related parties, he affirmed that the Ministry of Communication and Informatics must increase public awareness of the dangers of online gambling.

"Do not let this 'disease' have an impact on the mental health, economic, and social conditions of our society," he highlighted.

With the momentum of Independence Day, he instructed all parties within the ministry to eradicate online gambling down to its roots and promote the "online gambling is fraud" campaign.

On that occasion, he also lauded President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), who has been leading development in Indonesia for the past decade.

"I would like to express my highest respect to President Joko Widodo who has succeeded in laying a strong foundation towards the 2045 Golden Indonesia vision," he remarked.

The Indonesian government is currently striving to eradicate online gambling, one of which is through the Online Gambling Eradication Task Force officiated with a decree signed by President Jokowi on June 14, 2024.

Earlier, on August 1, 2024, Minister Setiadi stated that his ministry had blocked 2,725,000 pieces of online gambling content from July 17, 2023, to July 30, 2024.

Related news: Indonesia presses to expedite six steps to eradicate online gambling
Related news: Gambling transactions: Govt warns payment providers of sanctions
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Translator: Farhan Arda, Raka Adji
Editor: Azis Kurmala
Copyright © ANTARA 2024