Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Communication and Informatics will take firm action against all service providers found supporting online gambling transactions, according to director general of application control at the ministry, Teguh Arifiyadi.

"If there is a violation indication, we will give a first warning. However, if (the electronic system provider is) not registered and there is an indication of (the platform being) used for online gambling, we will immediately cut (them) off," he informed during an online dialogue on Monday.

Strict action will be taken because, based on the latest data of the ministry, online gambling transactions have reached almost Rp400 trillion (around USD25.7 billion), with the number of players increasing sharply to three million.

Arifiyadi said that system providers, especially for goods, services, and financial transactions, are required to register as electronic system providers (PSE). If not, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics has the authority to block them.

On the prevention side, eradication efforts by the ministry have been carried out on a massive scale. Three main strategies are being used by the task force to check online gambling.

The first is the utilization of artificial intelligence-based web crawlers to detect online gambling sites.

The second is carrying out manual patrols to detect anomalies that are not detected by the system, and the third, carrying out follow-up action based on complaints from the community.

"We have cut off access to various sites and applications," he affirmed.

In the last seven years, the ministry has blocked 3.8 million online gambling applications, of which two million were blocked in the last year alone.

Arifiyadi emphasized that education is the main tool for online gambling eradication. This is because if the literacy of the community is not improved, online gambling will continue to be a threat.

Related news: Minister calls for online gambling eradication on Independence Day
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Translator: Pamela Sakina, Raka Adji
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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