Badung, Bali (ANTARA) - The 2024 High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (HLF MSP), on September 1-3, is targeted to provide solutions to three world problems.

The three global problems covered in the forum are multilateral cooperation, welfare and sustainability, and financial architecture, the Deputy for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs at the National Development Planning Ministry (Bappenas), Bogat Widyatmoko, said here on Sunday.

Regarding multilateral cooperation, Widyatmoko said there needs to be a transformation in cooperation among the global South countries.

"In our perspective, we need transformation in order to be more effective and adaptive to keep up with the times. We will prioritize this platform, so this is not business-as-usual cooperation," he said.

Meanwhile, he pointed out that welfare and sustainability need to be the core of international development.

"To improve sustainable welfare, we offer the blue economy concept. Indonesia has experience in this, where its blue economy road map becomes a reference for ASEAN countries," he said.

Meanwhile, he mentioned that the current global financial architecture favors global South countries less.

Therefore, he hoped that the 2024 HLF MSP can formulate an innovative financing scheme, so global south countries do not experience barriers in financial access.

"We hope that these three thematic issues can be useful and this can become an international platform," he said.

HLF MSP 2024 carries the theme "Strengthening Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships: Towards a Transformative Change".

The forum comprises the Indonesia-Africa Joint Leaders Session and the High-Level Plenary Session.

There are also 12 parallel events and 17 side events until September 3.

Various topics related to sustainable development will be discussed in this forum, including strategies to enhance cross-sector and multilateral cooperation in facing global challenges.

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Translator: Imamatul S, Kenzu
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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