We will ensure (the bonus) will be prioritized to cover all needs for the nation's paralympic sports…
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Youth and Sports Minister Dito Ariotedjo has hinted at an additional bonus for Paralympians for surpassing the medal target at the 2024 Summer Paralympics.

However, the minister said, the bonus will be used for para-athletes' development for future Paralympics and sports events instead.

"We will ensure (the bonus) will be prioritized to cover all needs for the nation's paralympic sports in the future, including for (developing) training centers or participation in single-event agenda," Ariotedjo informed at the Merdeka Palace here on Wednesday.

He said that he as well as some others, including media personality and entrepreneur Raffi Ahmad, have committed to sponsoring the additional bonus for para-athletes.

According to the minister, the Indonesian Paralympians' success has strengthened the government's commitment to developing the Paralympic Training Center in Karanganyar, Central Java.

He also invited residents to utilize the facility to hone their skills and develop their potential to participate in future Paralympics.

President Joko Widodo earlier said that the Paralympians' 14-medal haul at the Summer Paralympics -- comprising one gold, eight silver, and five bronze medals -- surpassed expectations.

Their medal tally was also higher than the government's target of one gold, two silver, and three bronze medals, he noted.

As a token of appreciation for the para-athletes, the President announced cash bonuses of Rp6 billion (USD389.4 thousand) for each gold medalist, Rp2.75 billion (USD178.5 thousand) for each silver medalist, and Rp1.65 billion (USD107.3 thousand) for each bronze medalist.

Participating athletes who did not win any medal were also given a bonus of Rp250 million (USD16.2 thousand). Coaches and assistant coaches also received rewards for their dedication and hard work in coaching the champions.

Related news: President Jokowi awards cash bonuses to Paralympic athletes
Related news: Paris Paralympics: Indonesian athletes shine in in traditional attire

Translator: Andi Firdaus, Nabil Ihsan
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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