At the Muhammadiyah Education University (UNIMUDA) Sorong on Saturday (February 8), he emphasized the importance of physical exercise for building a great and inspiring generation.
Physical exercise is part of the ministry's "Seven Great Habits of Indonesian Children Movement" initiative.
"The Great Indonesian Gymnastics is one of the programs that supports the Seven Habits of Great Indonesian Children. We launched this program alongside the song album 'Seven Habits of Great Indonesian Children' to educate and inspire young people through creative and enjoyable ways," he said in here Jakarta.
In the event, Haq asked the participants how many were taking part in the event for the first time and what they thought of the experience. One of the children, Stella, responded.
"The gymnastics movements ere fun, and the song is nice to listen to," she said.
When asked why they chose to join this gymnastics event, a student from public elementary school SD Negeri 24 Sorong City named Seva raised her hand.
"To be healthy and enthusiastic about learning," she stated.
The deputy minister also asked the participants about what are the seven habits.
A junior high school student named Rizkia answered, "Wake up early, pray, exercise, eat nutritious food, love to learn, socialize, and sleep early."
The Seven Habits of Great Indonesian Children Movement aims to develop positive character traits, such as being healthy, organized, disciplined, independent, critical, responsible, faithful, having good morals, strong, and embodying the values of Pancasila.
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Translator: Lintang P, Kenzu
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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