"I have been interrogated and slapped by the Egyptian security authorities 13 times for being accused of taking part in the Egyptian revolution," the West Sumatra student told ANTARA in Cairo Monday.
A similar statement was also made by another Indonesian student, Aulia Rahman Bin Muslim.
"Many students had been interrogated, hit and some arrested by the Egyptian security because of the effect of the PKS statement," Aulia said.
Falahuddin and the other students met by ANTARA at the Indonesian Cunsulate in Nasr City on Monday said they were furious about the statement made by Anis.
"When asked about the statement, Anis said it has been misinterpreted by the press" Falahuddin, from Central Java, said.
The students became especially angry because the PKS statement had been released by the Egyptian National Radio on Sunday (Feb 6).
Falahuddin also confirmed that some of the students had been arrested, but later set free.
Chief protocol of the Indonesian Consular office in Cairo Muhammad Abdullah also said he was shocked by the PKS statement. (*)
Editor: Kunto Wibisono
Copyright © ANTARA 2011