
Collection of addicts news, found 114 news.

Bali to host International Drugs Enforcement Conference

Bali will host the 2022 International Drugs Enforcement Conference (IDEC) in Nusa Dua, Badung district, chief of the ...

AGO earns laurels for ensuring legal access for women

The House of Representatives (DPR) has lauded the Attorney General Office's for receiving an award from the ...

BNN rehabilitates 39 persons with moderate, severe drug addictions

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) rehabilitated 39 people with moderate to severe drug addictions in the period from ...

Attorney General presses for rehabilitation of drug addicts

Drug addicts should receive rehabilitation, as it aligns with the spirit of restorative justice for narcotics abusers, ...

BNN collaborates with E Nusa Tenggara's churches to fight against drug

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) in East Nusa Tenggara has collaborated with Catholic churches in the province to ...

Yogyakarta BNN expands community-based intervention team formation

The Yogyakarta National Narcotics Agency (BNN) expands the formation of a community-based intervention team (IBM) at ...

Expect Narcotics Law revision to address prison overcapacity: minister

Minister of Law and Human Rights, Yasonna Hamonangan Laoly, has expressed the hope that the revision to Law No. 35 of ...

Jakarta police destroy 1.74 tons of drugs

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police have destroyed 1.74 tons of narcotics seized from 14 drug lords and 259 drug dealers ...

North Sumatra ranks first among Indonesian provinces for drug abuse

North Sumatra is ranked first among Indonesia's 34 provinces in terms of narcotic abuse, according to Provincial ...

Two drug couriers arrested at North Sumatra's Kualanamu airport

Aviation security at Kualanamu International Airport in North Sumatra province on Tuesday foiled an attempt by two drug ...

BNN cracks Malaysia-Madura drug ring; seizes over 87.4 kg drugs

Indonesia's National Narcotics Agency (BNN) announced on Thursday that it has uncovered six drug cases involving a ...

BNN advises rehab for families with drug addicts

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) has appealed to residents of Southeast Sulawesi to send their relatives addicted to ...

West Aceh district opens rehab facility for drug users

The West Aceh district administration has set up a rehabilitation facility at a hospital in Beureugang village, Kaway ...

Illicit drug smuggling through Nunukan imperiled four national pillars

Illicit drugs smuggled by members of international syndicates from Malaysia into Indonesia through Nunukan District in ...

Riau Islands' security needs tightening against drug trafficking

Indonesian law enforcement agencies in Riau Islands need to tighten maritime security in the province's waters to ...