
Collection of adequate news, found 2.185 news.

Jambi police chief found after emergency landing of chopper

A joint evacuation team managed to locate the chief of Jambi Regional Police (Polda), Inspector General Rusdi Hartono, ...

APEC prioritizes technology, data, and science to tackle food security

APEC members are intensifying efforts to ensure food security for people in the region and to address impacts of global ...

Weather modification to be conducted ahead of F1H2O: Minister

Youth and Sports Minister Zainudin Amali stated that weather modification will be conducted to support the ...

Skills development as investment in facing work challenges: Ministry

Skills development and lifelong learning are investments for workers in facing the ever-changing world of work, ...

Minister Nurbaya, MA chief to resume environmental judge certification

Environment and Forestry Minister Siti Nurbaya and Supreme Court (MA) Chief Syarifuddin seek to resume the ...

BPK audits 2022 financial reports, focus on high-risk areas

Indonesia's Supreme Audit Board (BPK) has disclosed that its auditors.would examine the financial statements of ...

Collaboration to revive Indonesia's tourism after pandemic

Indonesia has an abundant natural beauty that stretches from Sabang to Merauke. The uniqueness and characteristic in ...

National agriculture sector capable of tackling food crisis: Minister

Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo has said he is confident that the national agriculture sector is capable of ...

BRIN clarifies issue on tsunami detector abandonment

Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Laksana Tri Handoko tendered a clarification on the issue ...

Minister confirms distribution of 500 tons of MinyaKita to Java

Some 500 tons of cooking oil placed in PT Bina Karya Prima's MinyaKita storage unit in Marunda, here, were ...

BI awarded as Southeast Asia's best forex management institution

Indonesia's central bank Bank Indonesia (BI) bagged the 2022 AsianInvestor's Institutional Excellence Award for ...

Health, education as vital tools to realize Indonesia Vision 2045

Minister of National Development Planning (PPN)/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Suharso ...

January forex reserves rose to US$139.4 billion: Bank Indonesia

Bank Indonesia (BI) reported that Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves at the end of January reached US$139.4 ...

Jakarta acting governor probing acute kidney injury re-emergence

Acting Governor of Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono is investigating the re-emergence of acute kidney injury cases ...

Ministry improves hospital's facilities to serve new capital city

The Ministry of Health is improving health facilities of the regional public hospital (RSUD) in Sepaku Sub-district, ...