
Collection of agendas news, found 842 news.

G20 Indonesia

BRIN, G20 nations to collaborate on conserving biodiversity

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) has said that it will collaborate with researchers and G20 member ...

Minister invokes Balinese ideal to push global pandemic collaboration

Indonesian Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin on Monday invoked “Tat Twam Asi,” a life principle of ...

Gov't supports airline innovation to stabilize ticket prices

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi supports innovations conducted by airlines to stabilize flight ticket prices ...

COVID-19- Need uniform global research, manufacturing capacity: govt

Efforts to end the COVID-19 pandemic must be supported by the building of equal health research and manufacturing ...

G20 Indonesia

B20-G20 improves business compliance to mitigate risk of corruption

Indonesia, through the G20 and B20 Presidency, has striven to mitigate the risk of corruption in the midst of global ...

News Focus

Independence Day momentum to reignite spirit to develop new capital

"The construction of Nusantara Capital City must not stall," President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) stated in his ...

Ministry encourages independence of health industry

The Industry Ministry has encouraged the independence of the health industry by transforming the pharmaceutical sector ...

Govt preparing foundation so youth can achieve 2045 goal: KSP

The government is preparing foundations for the youth so they can make big leaps in reaching the Advanced Indonesia ...

Infrastructure development remains a priority: PUPR Minister

Indonesia's infrastructure development remains a priority, Minister of Public Works and Public Housing ...

First Lady Iriana wears Buton tribal attire at Independence ceremony

First Lady Iriana Jokowi wore the traditional attire of the Buton Tribe from Southeast Sulawesi Province to attend the ...

Annual Speech

Advancing Indonesia's five big agendas

Despite the geopolitical conflicts and crises that are continuing to haunt the world, the five big national agendas ...

Two strategies to ensure 2023 budget promotes growth: President

President Joko Widodo has outlined two strategies that will ensure that the 2023 state budget generates optimism and ...

Annual Speech

Bureaucratic reform improves national progress: House Speaker

Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR) Puan Maharani opined that the bureaucratic reform conducted by all state ...

Government targets 5.3% economic growth in 2023

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), in his 2023 state budget speech, said that the government is targeting economic growth ...

Annual Speech

DPR committed to making Indonesian G20 Presidency success: Maharani

The House of Representatives (DPR) is committed to making the Indonesian G20 Presidency a success by holding the P20, ...